
As an experience designer, I help to create tangible experience target pictures and develop and maintain a coherent experience in the implementation of products and services.

Customer Experience is one of the few differentiators in a competitive (global) software market. To get there it is crutial to explore and validate concepts and turn ideas into tangible and verifiable concepts. Those concepts are often called target pictures as they provide a vison, clear focus and direction on the CX and it fosters and strengthen the collaboration between the teams.

As an experience designer, I help to create tangible experience target pictures and develop and maintain a coherent experience in the implementation of products and services.

Customer Experience is one of the few differentiators in a competitive (global) software market. To get there it is crutial to explore and validate concepts and turn ideas into tangible and verifiable concepts. Those concepts are often called target pictures as they provide a vison, clear focus and direction on the CX and it fosters and strengthen the collaboration between the teams.

It is essential to make target pictures tangible and understandable in order to promote understanding, enthusiasm and discussion. With a verbal target image, each person's imagination is different, both in a positive and negative way.
It is essential to make target pictures tangible and understandable in order to promote understanding, enthusiasm and discussion. With a verbal target image, each person's imagination is different, both in a positive and negative way.
It is essential to make target pictures tangible and understandable in order to promote understanding, enthusiasm and discussion. With a verbal target image, each person's imagination is different, both in a positive and negative way.


To find feasible solutions for a product or service, you need to explore, discuss and evaluate different concepts. The validation helps to avoid wrong decisions that would be expensive in the long run. Prototypes help to understand the problem in analysis, visualise it in development and improve it in validation. 

To find feasible solutions for a product or service, you need to explore, discuss and evaluate different concepts. The validation helps to avoid wrong decisions that would be expensive in the long run. Prototypes build with wireframes (or high fidelity wireframes) help to understand the problem in analysis, visualise it in development and improve it in validation. 

To find feasible solutions for a product or service, you need to explore, discuss and evaluate different concepts. The validation helps to avoid wrong decisions that would be expensive in the long run. Prototypes help to understand the problem in analysis, visualise it in development and improve it in validation. 

Start the validation as soon as possible and plan tests based on pre-testing. This strengthens your decision and your confidence. Bring stakeholders to the validation so they can get direct feedback from the customers.
Start the validation as soon as possible and plan tests based on pre-testing. This strengthens your decision and your confidence. Bring stakeholders to the validation so they can get direct feedback from the customers.


Companies face the challenge of developing and maintaining a coherent experience when implementing products and services. This is where a design system helps. For the creation of a design system, I work together with designers and support the implementation in projects

Companies face the challenge of developing and maintaining a coherent experience when translating concepts into products and services. This is where a design system helps.

 A design system is a collection of reusable components that follow clear standards and can be assembled to build any number of applications. These standards are defined by brand identity and language, design principles, and a style guide. Incremental growth of a design system, is equivalent to a gradual decrease in inconsistency and a gradual increase in the speed of software development.

For the creation of a design system, I work together with designers and support the implementation from a developement view in the projects.

Companies face the challenge of developing and maintaining a coherent experience when implementing products and services. This is where a design system helps. For the creation of a design system, I work together with designers and support the implementation in projects.

 A design system is a collection of reusable components that follow clear standards and can be assembled to build any number of applications. These standards are defined by brand identity and language, design principles, and a style guide.

Incremental growth of a design system, is equivalent to a gradual decrease in inconsistency and a gradual increase in the speed of software development.

A design system is a collection of reusable components that follow clear standards and can be assembled to build any number of applications. These standards are defined by brand identity and language, design principles, and a style guide. Incremental growth of a design system, is equivalent to a gradual decrease in inconsistency and a gradual increase in the speed of software development.

blue TV App

Swisscom AG
Swisscom AG /
Current Job
Swisscom AG / Current Job
blue TV

I am currently working on the blue TV application for Apple (iOS, padOS and Apple TV) and Android in both fields strategy and experience. We are currently working hard on a new release of our blue TV mobile App for Apple. For our different clients of the blue TV product I introduced a design system to the team and I am leading this topic.

I am currently working on the blue TV application for Apple (iOS, padOS and Apple TV) and Android in both Field Strategy and Experience. We are currently working hard on a new release of our blue TV mobile App for Apple. For our different clients of the blue TV product I introduced a design system to the team and I am leading this topic.

Team Lead Design

Metro Marktes GmbH
Metro Marktes GmbH
Metro Marktes GmbH
Metro Markets

I had the opportunity and challenge to build a Design Team within a start up mentality whilst working with an agency (based in Kiev) in order to hold the release trains in the ongoing project. Together with the Product Leads we defined a smooth transition with the new joiners. We also created a Design System to produce faster concepts and designs.